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How to use and understand the 'Specific focus' section
How to use and understand the 'Specific focus' section

Learn how to effectively use the 'Specific focus' box when signing up for purifications and how to keep it simple and powerful.

Updated over 5 months ago

What is the 'Specific focus' section?

The 'specific focus' allows you to calibrate your purification to the multiple power of the group, aligning with nature’s principles. This makes your purification more efficient and impactful, helping you achieve faster, real-world results.

How to write in the 'Specific focus' box

There isn’t much space in the specific focus box, and that’s intentional. The key is to distil the essence of your situation or question. Jacqueline doesn’t need lots of details. Keep it short and succinct.

If you’re unsure what to write, simply state: "area of greatest need."

Where can you use a 'Specific focus'?

You can add a specific focus when signing up for the following:

  • Someone you add to the Reboot group (but not via the Gift option)

  • When requesting Immediate assistance (IA)

How to record & update your 'Specific focus'

  • Choose your dates (CYD) Reboot: After you submit your 'Specific focus', a confirmation email is sent for privacy. To update it, use the update button in your email, write a new focus, and hit “Submit.”

  • Recurring Reboot (RR): You can update your focus via the confirmation email or by logging into My dashboard.

  • Immediate assistance (IA): Once submitted, your Specific focus cannot be updated.

You can’t get It wrong

If your Specific focus isn’t correct, nothing will happen. Trust what your body feels in the moment—no visualisation or overthinking is required. Keep it simple, and remember, it doesn’t matter what language you use.

How to add a person as your 'Specific focus'

You can add a person to your Specific focus for a short period, typically for minor issues. Remove them after one or two weeks. If the person has a serious issue, it’s best to add them separately to the Reboot group or Immediate assistance.

Tips for writing your 'Specific focus'

  • What wells up in your body? Go with what comes to mind naturally.

  • Identify the need: For example, success with a project, health concerns, relationship issues, etc.

  • Pose a question: Such as, "Why is X not speaking to me?" or "How will I achieve X?"

Keep it focused and simple for maximum impact.

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